Below is a list of LogKit releases, complete with compatibility information and links for downloads and documentation.

Release Latest Xcode Swift Download Documentation
LogKit 2.3 2.3.2 7.3 2.2 GitHub 2.3 Docs
LogKit 2.2 2.2.0 7.1 2.1 GitHub 2.2 Docs
LogKit 2.1 2.1.1 7.1 2.1 GitHub 2.1 Docs
LogKit 2.0 2.0.2 7.0 2.0 GitHub 2.0 Docs
LogKit 1.1 1.1.1 6.3 or 6.4 1.2 GitHub 1.1 Docs
LogKit 1.0 1.0.4 6.3 or 6.4 1.2 GitHub 1.0 Docs