Each time a Logger method is called, LogKit automatically gathers a variety of details regarding the message, its source, the runtime environment, and the host device. These details are collected into a Log Entry instance.

Developers creating custom Entry formatters may choose to include any number of the available properties in their serialization format.

Log Entry Properties

Every LXLogEntry contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
logKitVersion String The version of the LogKit framework that generated the Entry
message String The message provided during the logging call
userInfo [String:AnyObject] Additional values to be provided to each Endpoint’s entryFormatter; always present but may be empty; see here for using userInfo
logLevel String The name of the Log Entry’s Priority Level
timestamp Double The number of seconds since the Unix epoch
dateTime String The timestamp as a string serialized by an Endpoint’s dateFormatter
functionName String The name of the function from which the Log Entry was created
fileName String The name of the source file from which the Log Entry was created
filePath String The absolute path of the source file from which the Log Entry was created
lineNumber Int The line number within the source file from which the Log Entry was created
columnNumber Int The column number within the source file from which the Log Entry was created
threadID String The ID of the thread from which the Log Entry was created
threadName String The name of the thread from which the Log Entry was created
isMainThread Bool An indicator of whether the Log Entry was created on the main thread